Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Hit and Run 5K, 2013

On Saturday, October 12th, my younger sister and I participated in the Hit and Run 5K in Salt Lake City.  It was so much fun!  It was the first 5K we did together, and it was a great experience! Even though it wasn't the type of race to try to get a good running time, it was an experience that I'm glad we didn't miss out on! 

Sabrina and me before the race!

Before the race started, they had music playing that was getting everyone pumped up and ready to run!  People were dancing and doing jumping jacks, as well as talking about how fun this race was going to be!  The speaker was so enthusiastic that it was easy for us to get even more excited. We were ready to do this! 

Gathered at the starting line

Aaaaaaand we're off!!!

Running together just after the race started.

We had to run through a pit of foam, as well as try
to dodge all the huge red balls in our way!

We had to try not to get knocked into the water
by the giant, spinning red balls!

There were six obstacles we could run through. (We were not required to run through them if we didn't want to, but that's the point of this race, so why not?!)  Each one of the obstacles had unique aspects to them. My favorite one was the third obstacle, where we had to jump across several of these huge balls, almost like yoga balls. Even though I fell off, it was still pretty fun to try to do.

We did it!!
One thing that made this race fun was having my sister with me while we ran.  I completed all my other 5K's by myself, so it was a treat to have someone to be with the whole time.  This race would be a really fun group activity! But whether you do it with a group or by yourself, I'd definitely recommend it! 

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